Saturday 27 September 2014

'Van Helsing' - Shot Analysis

Name of Film: Van Helsing
Director: Stephen Sommers
Stars: Hugh Jackman and Kate Bekinsale
Date Released: May 3rd, 2004 (Universal City)

  1. Shot ime: 7 minutes, 55 seconds into the movie (screenshot will be added later)
The first 7 minutes of the film are in black and white and the shots used are mostly close-ups of either characters or significant props, so by using an extreme wide shot of the Notre Dame Cathedral in colour shows us that things have changed drastically - even if it's only been a year - as well as giving us an exact reference point of where the scene is set and the horse-drawn carriage gives us a sense of what technologies are in common use - despite all of the sleek and modern-designed weapons that Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) uses during the movie.

Having most of the prominent colour come from the Notre Dame's stained glass window and from the light of the moon behind one of it's towers makes it the key focus point of the viewer as well as setting the scene for the fight between Van Helsing and Dr Hyde.

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